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The Shared Journey of ROI: Why Founders & CEOs Need to Rethink Their Partnership with a Fractional CMO

In recent quarters, I've had the privilege of engaging with numerous Founders and CEOs of IT services companies in the SMB segment. A recurring theme in our conversations is the quest for ROI when considering the services of a Fractional CMO. But here's the catch: ROI isn't just a number on a spreadsheet. It's a shared journey, one that requires mutual understanding, commitment, and a shift in mindset. A Fractional CMO, when integrated correctly, can be a game-changer, driving growth and innovation. Let's unpack this

Understanding the Common Challenges:

Before diving into the ROI discussion, it's crucial to recognize the most common challenges IT Service SMBs especially those with revenues between 5M-30M face:

  • Stagnant or Negative Growth: In a rapidly evolving IT Services landscape, staying ahead is a challenge. How can a Fractional CMO help pivot strategies to spur growth?

  • Budget and Lead Generation: With limited resources, maximizing lead generation becomes paramount. What role does strategic marketing play here?

  • The Sales Imperative: While increasing sales is a universal goal, for SMBs, it's often a matter of survival. How can marketing align with sales to drive results?

The Misconception of Instant ROI:

Many CEOs harbor the notion that onboarding a Fractional CMO will quickly catapult their ROI. However, marketing, especially in the strategic initiative, is a marathon, not a sprint. Immediate results are rare; sustainable growth is the objective. while some marketing tactics can yield quicker results, strategic marketing, which is more sustainable, often takes time to show significant ROI.

The Role of a Fractional CMO:

A Fractional CMO is more than just a marketer; they're a strategic partner. Their role is to navigate the challenges, align with the company's vision, and drive long-term growth, especially vital for IT Service companies in a competitive market.

Common Assumptions:

Before diving into the ROI conversation, it's crucial to address the foundational assumptions many companies hold:

  • Vision & Mission: A belief that the company's long-term vision and mission are already perfectly articulated.

  • Business Objectives: Presumed clarity on objectives for the upcoming quarter, year, and beyond.

  • Budget Clarity: An assumption of a well-defined marketing budget.

  • SWOT Analysis: A completed SWOT, ready to guide strategic decisions.

  • Target Market & ICP: A belief that the target market and ideal customer profile (ICP) are well-understood.

  • Value Proposition: An assumption that the service's value to the target audience is evident.

  • USP: A presumption that the unique selling proposition (USP) is clear and compelling.

  • Sales Process: A detailed sales process, from lead generation to conversion, is in place.

  • B2B Buying Myths: A belief that B2B buying is linear, IT is the decision maker, no frequent changes to the B2B buying scenarios etc.,

The Overlooked Considerations:

While these assumptions provide a starting point, several critical factors often go unconsidered (indicative list):

  • Customer Insights: The invaluable feedback from existing customers, including testimonials and areas for improvement.

  • Pricing Models: Current pricing strategies and potential changes.

  • Marketing Team Dynamics: The presence of a small, diverse marketing team that might only need training.

  • Sales Cycle Length: The reality of extended B2B sales cycles.

  • Operational Challenges: The internal readiness and potential service delivery delays.

The Shared Responsibility of ROI:

ROI isn't solely a marketing metric. It's a business metric. The Fractional CMO can set the strategy and direction, the execution and results depend on a collaborative effort across departments. While a Fractional CMO can amplify brand visibility and drive leads, factors like Service maturity, sales efficacy, and operational readiness play pivotal roles in realizing a robust ROI.

The Path to ROI: A Shared Journey:

Achieving ROI is a collaborative endeavor. With aligned visions, shared responsibilities, and a commitment to growth, IT Service SMBs can chart a path to meaningful ROI.

Here's how Founders and CEOs can ensure a successful partnership with a Fractional CMO:

1. Open Dialogue: Begin with transparent conversations about assumptions and overlooked considerations. Understand that both parties bring expertise to the table.

2. Joint Investment: Time, effort, and resources are required from both sides. It's not just about money; it's about commitment.

3. Continuous Learning: The B2B landscape is dynamic. Be ready to adapt, learn, and pivot as needed.

4. Shared Vision: Align on the company's vision, mission, and objectives. This alignment is the foundation of any successful marketing strategy.

5. Empowerment: Trust your Fractional CMO to guide, train, and elevate your existing marketing team.

6. Feedback Loop: Establish a regular feedback mechanism with key stakeholders. This could be in the form of weekly or bi-weekly check-ins to discuss progress, challenges, and any necessary course corrections.


The journey to ROI is a shared one, filled with mutual growth, understanding, and collaboration. By changing our mindset and embracing the journey together, we can unlock unparalleled success and growth for IT service companies in the SMB segment.

Disclaimer: The insights and opinions expressed in this article are based on my interactions, experiences, and observations as a Fractional CMO in the IT Service SMB sector. They are intended to provide general guidance and provoke thought for businesses considering a partnership with a Fractional CMO. Every business is unique, and while the strategies and approaches discussed here may resonate with many, they might not be suitable for all.

Are you ready to embark on this shared journey to ROI with a Fractional CMO?

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