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Office Hang Out
Modern Office
Coworking Space


Industry | Company | Competitors | Customers

  • Industry Insights

  • Market Insights

  • Buyer Insights/Buyer Journeys

  • Company Analysis (Current and Desired state, SWOT Analysis, Marketing audits (Brand, website, buyer enablement, content, Martech & operations)

  • Competitive analysis


Markets | Offerings | Positioning | GTM

Business Growth

  • Market Expansion Strategy

  • Product/Service diversification Strategy

  • Market Segmentation strategy

Market Positioning Strategy

  • Brand assessment

  • Brand Positioning/Rebranding

  • Value proposition

GTM Strategy

  • Product/Service 

  • Digital Marketing strategies

  • Account-based Marketing (ABM) strategy

  • Strategic partnerships


Tactics | Operations | Optimization | ROI

  • Communications and PR

  • Inbound Marketing

  • Outbound Marketing

  • Content Marketing

  • Influencer marketing

  • Demand Generation

  • Managing strategic partnerships

  • Marketing Technology & Operations 

Services: Features



  • Advisory Services for CEOs – For business leaders who want to personally develop their insights-driven market orientation and marketing effectiveness, we offer this cost-effective advisory service for CEOs.

  • Strategic Marketing Planning Workshops – Tap decades of experience as a CMO with cross-functional experience for your strategic planning process! Our proven approach to 1/2 day to 1-day planning sessions is quarterly, valuable checkpoints anytime a fresh look is required.

  • Marketing Audits – Perhaps you’d simply like an objective opinion about your current marketing department, your processes, and initiatives. A marketing audit will produce clarity and actionable insights in a short timeframe, at a reasonable cost.


  • Executive Addition to Management Team (Part-time) – we become a part-time executive addition to your management team, bringing an outside-in perspective to crystalize your strategy and execution to drive growth.

  • Interim Executive addition to Management team (Full time/ short term) - Need an expert marketing executive while your marketing executive is out? Or perhaps you simply need a more concerted, full-time resource to lead your marketing strategy.

  • Strategic Project Support - For extra executive bandwidth or to pass off an entire strategic project, we are ready to help and make sure your project delivers results on time.


Go-to-market success requires careful alignment and coordination with the company’s strategic plans. Only then can all the investments made in marketing tactics/channels will deliver results in line with the strategic goals. But, this critical step is the one that most often gets reviewed. Why? Because this step generally requires both inside and outside stakeholders to execute a suite of programs in an integrated way. This is the time when you require an expert who not only understands the strategy but also understands the creative process and the art of seamless execution.

Services: Services

Guidance for every step of the marketing journey

Schedule a call now @ zero cost

Services: Text

Suite 503, Krishna Residency, Hill Fort Road, Adarshnagar, Hyderabad, India

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